Great Britain's Pro Audio Amplifier Repair Shop
                                                               Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire
Tilley Acoustic Systems - TAS Pro Audio
6 Back West Street,
Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Tele: +44 (0)1422 31 67 67

                                                SPECIALTY REPAIR & SET UP

                       WE recommend John Tilley for your AMP NEEDS in the UK.
                         John was a tech and worked at the Matamp Shop in Huddersfield up until
                         Matamp USA stopped importing.  He was always a great help over the years
                         with the MATAMP USA orders.   We continue to support his services and refer
                         all of our UK and European Inquires to TAS PRO AUDIO.

                                                                        CONTACT: John Tilley

                                   Looking for a Real Military Grade Hard Wire Point to Point Tube Amp ?
                                      HAND MADE IN THE USA, setup to 240volts by T.A.S in the UK !

                                                               ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1997 - MATAMP Distribution, USA - WWW.MATAMP.COM